Responsibility at the core of our operations.

Ecological responsibility

The sustainability of our environment and environmental considerations are integral to our operations.

Environmental issues are a key part of our company’s operations and values. We strive to be pioneers in ecological performance in the healthcare technology sector, and in this endeavor, we adhere to strict standards and commitments to protect the environment and support sustainable development. A key indication of our commitment to the environment is the ISO 14001 certification we have been awarded, which reflects our dedication to environmental protection and sustainable practices.

We implement a systematic approach and continuous improvement in managing environmental impacts. We continuously review our operations and their effects on the environment. We aim to identify and reduce our environmental impacts in all stages of our operations, including procurement, storage, logistics, and daily office activities. We adhere to a digital-first principle instead of daily commuting. Our goal is to minimize waste, energy consumption, and water usage while enhancing resource efficiency.

We strictly adhere to all applicable environmental laws and regulations. This means that we do not only take care of our own environmental impacts but also require the same commitment from our partners, suppliers, and customers. Our aim is to create a chain that is fully aligned with environmental regulations and promotes sustainable practices across the board.

Social responsibility

Equality, diversity, inclusivity, and employee well-being are the cornerstones of our internal operations.

We value diversity and strive to create a work environment that supports different backgrounds, skills, and perspectives. We offer benefits to our employees to promote and support their work and the well-being that strongly influences it. Our leadership sets an example of responsible leadership that guides the company towards a sustainable future. Open communication and ethical decision-making guide our actions, always with a customer-centric and transparent approach. The ProMedical community is unified and equal, and every contribution is valuable to us.

We promote fair and inclusive business practices and supply chains that consider not only our employees but also human rights, the local community, and societal perspectives. We ensure that all our products and services are ethically and sustainably sourced throughout their distribution chain. We collaborate with trusted partners to ensure that workers’ rights are respected and that the highest ethical standards are followed in the manufacture of our products.

These themes together have guided ProMedical towards a more responsible and sustainable tomorrow. We strive to make a positive impact on the surrounding world and healthcare through innovative solutions and exemplary actions.


Responsible regime

Responsibility is ingrained in our company’s operations. We work closely with our partners and strive together to create sustainable value for our society.

In line with the ISO 9001 certification awarded to us, our company has defined a clear quality policy and quality objectives that guide the entire organization’s operations. We are committed to responsible governance and business transparency. We adhere to ethical guidelines in healthcare technology and promote anti-corruption practices. Our quality management system helps us identify, assess, and manage risks and opportunities in our business. This also covers environmental and societal aspects. We encourage open communication among our staff both internally and externally. This includes stakeholder interaction, including customers, suppliers, and authorities. As the expectations of our stakeholders and regulations evolve, we strive to adapt and continuously improve our practices to meet these requirements. Responsible governance supports the long-term sustainability of our business and societal impact.

This is what we believe in.

A high-quality process is the cornerstone of effectiveness in healthcare technology