Tarinamme on alkanut kirurgisista instrumenteista ja tarvikkeista yli 20 vuotta sitten. Kirurginen tuotealueemme tarjoaa ratkaisuja lukuisilta valmistajilta jokaiselle kirurgian alalle, aina kirurgisista instrumenteista sähkö- ja laserkirurgiaan, laskimoablaatioihin ja virtsatiekivien hoitoon. Kirurgiset ratkaisumme mahdollistavat potilaalle nykyaikaisen, turvallisen ja vaikuttavan kirurgisen erikoissairaanhoidon.
Olemme endovaskulaaristen hoitojen edelläkävijä ja Medtronicin pitkäaikainen jakelijakumppani laskimokirurgiassa. Tarjoamme erikoissairaanhoidon tarpeisiin kahta toisiaan täydentävää suonikohjujen hoitomenetelmää. Closure Fast on tunnettu ja tehokas RF-lämpöablaatioon perustuva ratkaisumme. Vena Seal on innovatiivinen laskimoiden liimausmenetelmä, joka on potilaan näkökulmasta vaikuttava ratkaisu, ja mahdollistaa paluun arkeen heti toimenpiteen jälkeen. Tumesenssia vaativiin lämpöablaatioihin tarjoamme Nouvagin tumesenssipumppua ja -letkustoja.
Elämme 2020-luvulla erittäin mielenkiintoista aikaa kirurgian näkökulmasta. Perinteinen kirurgia elää murroskautta, jossa laitteiden, instrumenttien, sekä hoitojen teknologinen kehitys muuttaa kirurgian käsitettä. Kirurgian tulevaisuus tuo mukanaan innovatiivisia teknologioita, laaja-alaisempaa sairauksien ymmärrystä ja laajempaa yhteistyötä asiantuntijoiden ja innovaattoreiden välillä potilaiden hoidon parantamiseksi. Potilaista on tullut asiakkaita ja heidän tietoisuutensa sekä osallistuminen omaan hoitoonsa on kasvava trendi. Potilaiden ja lääkäreiden välinen kumppanuus säilyy edelleen terveydenhuollon keskiössä ja sen merkitys korostuu.
Terveysteknologian ratkaisut, kuten robotiikka, tekoäly, 3D-tulostus ja uudet kuvantamismenetelmät, kuten ultraäänitutkimukset ovat jo muuttamassa ja muuttavat edelleen tapaa, jolla kirurgista hoitoa tarjotaan. Kehitys aloilla, kuten genomiikka, regeneratiivinen lääketiede ja solupohjaiset terapiat, avaavat uusia mahdollisuuksia sairauksien ennustamiseen ja hoitoon, joita ei vielä muutama vuosi sitten voinut kuvitellakaan. Samalla kirurgian ja muiden erikoisalojen rajat hämärtyvät ja yhteistyö syvenee.
Tarjoamme ratkaisuja kirurgisista tarvikkeista ja instrumenteista aina kirurgisiin laitteisiin.
Valikoimamme vaikuttavat ratkaisut syventävät ymmärrystä, tehokkuutta sekä ammattitaitoa jokaisella kirurgian alalla (kuten sähkö- ja laserkirurgian aloilla). Palveluiden ja terveyshyödyn tuottaminen erikoissairaanhoidossa tulee toteuttaa kustannusvaikuttavuus huomioiden. Tässä monipuolinen asiantuntijatiimimme osaa auttaa terveydenhuollon ammattilaisia.
Haluatko lisätietoja tuotealueesta?
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- North Karelia
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis